Bore da, mein dda gen i cwrdd a chi
ok, first person to tell me what the subject line says gets a big fatty prize. if you can name the language, then you get a not so fatty prize. but still worth your time. so, there really arent any cool birthdays today as far as i could find. but today is Daffy Duck's birthday, if you can call it that. ducks generally arent born (or "barn" if you're from Utah), they're usually hatched, but I dont think Daffy was really hatched either. maybe conjured. or created (like Frankenstein, only less destructive). oh and Raye Hollit from American Gladiator turned 40 today, if anyone cares about that. oooh! i just found out that its Nikita Kruschev's birthday too. so i guess there was one worth mentioning after all. and my main site for finding obscure holidays is basically dead. hopefully its working tomorrow. thats one of my most useful sites, and it has this cool light blue background...
Some cool things that happened yesterday:
My watch broke (but at least i was playing frisbee, so its ok), I took my american heritage final (got a better seat than austin!), i studied in the Bean Museum and there were lots of little kids running around, something smelled good as i was walking between the cannon center and stover (my guess is those little white and pink flowering trees), i ate lunch with jill and jessica and about 6 waves of people that came and sat with us because we are all so wildly popular, i ran through the sprinklers, i threw around some bags of ice with cream, sang hymns for like an hour or something, and gave Amy a backrub while Amy gave Amie a backrub, went to bed before midnight, had good dreams, and all kinds of other fun and good things. one bad thing that happened: i got a paper cut, get this, in my sleep. yes thats right. i dont know how. but i woke up and my thumb is sliced open.
So if any of you think you know the highlight of my day (i'll give you a clue, its not the papercut), email me and possibly you will win a prize. for some reason no one seems to want prizes, which doesnt make sense to me. what about self interest? only three people have ever emailed me back hoping to win a prize. i have prizes at my disposal, dont worry about that. but then today's offer isnt entirely fair, because i know for sure that someone besides me knows the correct answer, so you had better check your email first.
Some interesting thoughts: beveled polyester splicers (i still havent gotten around to writing that essay), the aquabats, magnified plaid (name that band!), shameful pork (check out if you ever decide to prove that im definitely whack, this will prove it beyond a doubt and then you wont have to work so hard. my excuse is, this was my first attempt at a website and it was a long time ago, and i lost the files, so now i cant edit this or remove it from the web. oops, silly me!), what are those flowering trees by stover, how many animals are capable of using their tails to grab things, has anyone ever taken a picture of a yak wearing shoes, if so where can i find said picture, and just how many floor tiles are in the Wilk? that will be a question that i will be able to answer by the time i go home.
So just today my friend elizabeth declared that i am "a cool"! how honored i feel! i am a cool! no one has ever said that to me before, and this is a friend that i think very highly of, so you can imagine my jubilation. oh and theres this guy on my floor named Jordan, hes ubercool. hes possibly the coolest guy who is sitting next to me in the canc right now. hes responsible for my midnight potty break laughs, with the Calvin and Hobbes posted in the bathroom. its a pity some jerk took them down! his head should a splode. what a punk, those cartoons werent hurting anybody, and some doofus had to go and rip them off and put them in the toilets. oh well, maybe they will accidentally fall off the roof and then we'll all be even and i wont have to use physical violence. and if not, i still wont use physical violence. unless the perpitrator is kelv, in which case, i will fight him just for poops and giggles. i do that sometimes, but he usually wins.
So thats all i have for today, hope you enjoyed it, goodbye, God bless you, have a caffeine free weekend, see you next week, same time, same place where we will learn in blinding incandescence... (someone fill in the blanks please...)
Brian, the Sexy Honky-Tonk Karaoke King
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