Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Mutts is the lamest comic strip EVER.

I got some good news from President Wycherly, I'm actually not leaving
for my sojourn on November 24, I'm now leaving on the 17th, my
parents' anniversary. That makes me one week happier than I was

I saw some really cool pictures today of the floods in Virginia.
There was one with a car on top of another car with a beam on top of
it. Probably that one is in all the papers everywhere, it's probably
Syndicated Press or something like that.

I also saw a bag full of pennies. And I skipped work and played
racquetball with my dad, and I mowed the lawn and ate a decent
breakfast and listened to some Guster and also some Hoobastank, and
wrote a couple of emails. And a whole lot more.

So, I heard about a really awful prank website (
the other day on the radio, but when I looked for it, it wasn't there.
Jerks. Maybe I'll make one.

My library book is due in 6 days. I am not finished with it. I am
only about a quarter of the way through. The question now is, do I
renew it three times and read at the same pace, or renew it once and
read more frequently, or do I try and read 650 pages by the end of the
week? It's a pickle. I think I'll renew it once and then turn it in
regardless. Is that bad? It seems maybe ungrateful. I'm not sure if
that's the right word, but it would be disrespectful to the authors.
I really do appreciate what they've done, it is one of the best books
I've read all summer, but I just don't have time for it outside of
work, and I only get an hour a day while at work. I can get about 36
pages read in a day, and with over 800 pages... I just can't do it.

Students in Harrison have to walk across the bridge every day when
they go to school. The bridge can't support the weight of the bus, so
the kids have to get out and the bus comes across after them. Isn't
that pathetic? I think I'll spend another two paragraphs on bridges.

Cats aren't allowed on the Golden Gate bridge because they purr at the
natural frequency of the iron used in the supports. The sound waves
apparently cause major problems and if too many cats are on the bridge
at once, the whole thing will collapse.

Also, in Colorado, I forgot where the particular bridge is, but they
spent over a year building this thing, and then the wind came up at
just the right speed, and once again, waves caused big problems and it
came tumbling down and they had to start over. Royal mess.

And now, I'm afraid I must go. I have wasted enough time today, and
the FBI are waiting for me...



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