Tuesday, November 02, 2004

The last day

Well it's now the 31st of October, and we all know what THAT means!
It's Nevada Day! Happy birthday-ish Kim and others!

Today is also Icrease Your Psychic Powers Day. I would recommend
cheap card tricks for starters, then you can gradually work your way
up to palm reading and horoscopes. Astrology is pretty tough, if
you're not trained well, you'll only hurt yourself.

Tomorrow is All Saints' Day (no surprise here, right?) and World
Vegetation Day. I think there are many notable plants in the world.
Look some up.

"The human race is faced with a cruel choice: work or daytime television."

The good news is that today, I have the option to watch daytime
television. Of course, I won't. But now I have the option. I think
I'll read "Pyramids" and then I'll be ready to pack my boxes into
boxes to go in the garage until I come back to claim them. I have
heard good things about "Pyramids", I hope it's better than "Small
Gods". That was a good one, actually very good, but I think Pratchett
can do better than that. If he kept writing on the "Good Omens"
level, I would be thrilled for life.

Voltaire got a vote!

I think I'm going to keep this message short. It seems more people
read the short ones all the way through. So, in closing, I would like
to invite you all to listen to REM today. I seriously LOVE that band.
Most of their songs are pretty popular, especially now that they're
so old. If you don't think you have heard anything by REM, I think
and hope that you're wrong. Also, I would like you all to listen to
Keane. Oh, man! Thanks again, Kim!

I will see you all later, probably. Peace!


15 more days...


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