Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Badger Badger Badger

-To everyone who hasn't gotten this before, i looked you up on stalkernet, i hope thats ok. dont flip your flapjack or anything. and if you dont want another one like this, let me know and you wont ever get another one. please still be my friend though, i dont want one lousy email to destroy our relationship.

-Jase, complete list coming later today i hope. i can't guarantee anything, but i'll do what i can.
-Brinkerhoff, get Jeff Ward's bag if you cant buy one soon, and we can go chill up on top of that science building. we only have three weeks left and i probably won't want to do it during finals and i wont be around next weekend.
-Christina, did you say you are coming this week for serious or for joking? too bad its not the 21st, we could have done some really cool stuff!

-Hey, guess what! i saw the last 45 minutes of sandlot last night. pretty cool, eh?

Today is Bunsen Burner Day and also National Clam on the Half Shell Day. Its too bad i dont have either of those, i would have some killin' awesome fun. And tomorrow is National Tatting Day, and of course April Fool's Day. and if you eat in the Canc then its also yaD sdrawkcaB. so yah. i promise i wont lie about tomorrow's birthdays or anything, thats what i would normally do on april fools day, but im trying to quit lying, its a nasty habit.

-Happy Birthday to:
Rene Descartes, 1596
Franz Joseph Haydn, 1732
Robert Wilhelm Eberhard von Bunsen, 1811 (yes, he is the famed inventor of the BUNSEN BURNER!!!)
Andrew Lang, 1844
Arthur Griffith, 1872
Leo Buscaglia, 1924 (better known as Dr. Hug)
Sydney Chaplin,1926
Gordie Howe, 1928
Ewan McGregor, 1971

who's the coolest person in the birthday list? im split between Rene Descarte and Haydn and Gordie Howe. but then again Ewan McGregor was the only decent actor in star wars episodes I and II. those were mildly disappointing. they kind of made me lose all respect for star wars. way to go, lucas...

-Happy Deathday to:
John Donne, 1631 (awesome guy, one of my heroes)
Franz Joseph Haydn, 1809
Egon E Kisch, 1948
Gene Lockhart, 1957
Julius Young, 1996

-And exciting funment:
Anti-pope Clemens crowns German emperor Hendrik IV, 1084
Great earthquake at Cuzco, 1651
Johann Wolfgang von Goethes (<--stud) "Egmont," premieres in Weimar, 1796
Eiffel Tower officially opens, 1889
1st time Jimi Hendrix burned his guitar, 1967 (this guy makes "the stud list")
Doobie Brothers (<--studs) split up, 1982
Brett Hull scores his 86th goal, 1991 (he was much cooler with the St. Louis Blues than with the stupid Red Wings. I can hardly believe i even capitalized that team name. if they get the Cup, im going to scream)

-So yah, some cool birthdays today. i dont have any homework tonight, somebody tell me something to do. i want to spend some time with you today if thats possible, let me know. obviously that doesnt apply to all of you, but you're the judge, you know who you are. so um, i think im going to go sit outside and burn to a crisp because i dont have any sunscreen or aloe, but i love the sun so much. it is benevolent and some other word i forgot. a good day to you.

And until next time i see you, check out definitely worth a good half minute at least. but don't blame me, i didn't make it. oh and make sure you get the sound too, thats important.

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Today is going to rock, i can feel it

Here's a little email i like to call "email".

if you are recieving this email and you don't ever want another one like it, just tell me and you wont get another one. or if you want this at a different email, let me know that too.

Today is Doctor's Day, I Am in Control Day, and Take a Walk in the Park Day. and i am indeed going to celebrate all three of those by: calling a doctor, being in control, and taking a walk in the park. woohoo for me. Tomorrow is Bunsen Burner Day (HEE HEE HEE!!!!!) and National Clam on the Half Shell Day. Some of you actually know what that is and/or how to make it. but i am from the landlocked piece of dirt known as "idaho" and so i have never had clams except from a can, which i hear is heresy (harrisy?) so if you have experience with clams, come and show me a clam on a half shell, and i will try to endure seafood yet again. thats another problem with being from idaho, i havent developed a taste for fishy things. but i can always try again.

ooh! and starting thursday is...... LIBRARY WEEK!! i am so going to spend all my time on the fifth floor of our wonderful (except when you actually need something) byu library! and starting that same day is Read a Road Map Day. i dont know about all of you, but i dont have a car, or anywhere to go (except the Malt Shoppe, which is only about 7 minutes walk from my room, and i cant go there because i just spent $11 there last night). and we've got some cool birthday stuff coming up in the beginning of april too, but i havent done an extensive search yet, just a sneak peek. meaning personal relations.

Happy birthday to:
Nichiren, 1212 (look him up, hes a stud)
Mehmed II, 1432 (Sultan of Turkey)
Peter I "the Great" Romanov, 1672
Jethro Tull, 1674 (that one kind of threw me off, my first thought was an electric flute)
Bernhard Scholz, 1835
Vincent van Gogh, 1853
Franz Oppenheimer, 1864
Robert C Smith, 1941 (republican rep from New Hampster)
Eric Clapton, 1945
Yelena Vladimirovna Kondakova, 1957 (cosmonauts are always cool!)
Celine Dion, 1962 (she's canadian)
M C Hammer, 1962
Dave Ellett, 1964 (Maple Leafs, Shmaple Leafs)
Secreteriat, 1970
California condor chick from San Diego Zoo, 1st born in captivity, 1983

Happy Deathday to:
Pietro Antonio Locatelli, 1764
David van der Kellen, 1879
Mahatma Gandhi, 1948
Maxfield Parrish, 1966
Peter Yarrall, strongest Englishman/weighed 826 lb, 1984
Sid Weiss, 1994 (name that band!)

And here are some fun things that happened today in history:
Boudouin IV with the Beard becomes earl of Flanders, 988 and what a name...
King Ferdinand & Queen Isabella sign decree expelling Jews from Spain, 1492
Voltaire crowned with laurel wreath, 1778 (as well he should have been!!)
Ether was used as an anaesthetic for 1st time, 1842
Russia signs Peace of Paris, 1856 (which war did that end?)
Pencil with attached eraser patented, 1858
US buys Alaska from Russia, 1867
15th Amendment passed, 1870
Texas becomes last confederate state readmitted to Union, 1870
Stalin supports rights of non-Serbian Yugoslavians, 1925
Amelia Earhart does her thing, 1932
Newfoundland changes time to 3« hrs W of Greenwich, repeats 44 sec, 1935 (those crazy Canucks)
John Glenn withdraws from Ohio senate race, 1964
Cover picture of Beatles' "Sgt Pepper's" is photographed, 1967
USSR wins its 8th straight world hockey championship, 1970
Reagan shot, 1981
Vincent van Goghs "Sunflowers" sells for record $39.7M, 1987
Man accidentally backed into Jose Canseco's $225,000 Lamborghini, 1992 (brooklyn knows who this is, im sure)

And our friends in Canadia have some history too:
French Battle Iroquois in Montreal, 1644
Big ol' fatty riot in Quebec, 1990

Don't you wish there were a knob on the TV to turn up the intelligence? There's one marked 'Brightness,' but it doesn't work.
Historians are like deaf people who go on answering questions that no one has asked them.
Leo Tolstoy (1828 - 1910)
People will buy anything that is one to a customer.
Sinclair Lewis (1885 - 1951)
Science has proof without any certainty. Creationists have certainty without any proof.
Ashley Montague

thats all for today, i am going outside to Take A Walk In The Park. or at least hang out outside with some people. have fun, and everyone should come to my concert tonight