Monday, August 30, 2004

My toe is numb.

Just a couple of quick things today, first off: I don't think this
lady did enough research. I think she
was pretty hasty and she only used a control group of 24 and a group
of very fickle. But it's interesting anyway. Although she's wrong.

And then there is this site, about aptronyms
that I thought was mildly amusing. It could be the fact that I'm
writing this at 6:30 AM, but I think I might have enjoyed it around
noon also.

some words that I remember (en idioma Espanol) (without accents):
tambien, planchas de oro, sobre, oso, Yo, y sucedio (hahaha),
innumerables concursas de angeles, capitulo.

some random English words: setting, purpose, lamp, brain, will, scribe, whale.

And now it is time for me to go eat some breakfast, probably that Corn
Chex wannabe, "Corn Bitz", and then it's off to work I go. Have a
good day.


Monday, August 23, 2004


Here are words I found in my book today:

irascibly, accoutrements, valitudinarians, epoch, erudition, pfennig,
ague, taciturny. Yep. Some good ones. You can use them if you'd
like, they aren't mine.

It is as impossible to translate poetry as it is to translate music.
-Voltaire, writer (1694-1778)

I had a good trip down to Provo last weekend. I got to help my sister
clean and move out of her apartment, and I got to play with my nephew,
and I played some Settlers of Catan too. And I saw three of my
friends, and that was fun. And I got to drive in the rain at night.
In a car.

I'm done. Sorry, I just kinda fizzed out there. I'll do better next
time. Entertain yourself today?


Saturday, August 21, 2004

The Maillard Reaction. Mmmm!

I'm eating turkey bolagna with Kraft© singles on wheat bread, grilled
to perfection. And I listened to Candide this morning. And on tv is
a man dreaming of aluminum and how it is extracted from rocks. I
don't know why, this is the food network... Somehow, pot roasts have
something to do with aluminum. Did you know why aluminum foil has a
shiny side and a dull side? It's because when they roll it through
the big machines that flatten it, they have to run two sheets through
at a time. Why? Because each sheet is so thin, they will rip unless
they are flattened two at a time. Yep. I learned that today.

So anyway, here are some words that I found in my book:
Offal and perspicacious.

I am reading about the culture of England from about 1730 - 1780 ish.
It's rather interesting. Did you know that London was the largest and
most populous city in the world at that time? I would have guessed
Rome or maybe Paris. And also, did you know that London was ten times
as big as the next largest English city, and fifteen times larger than
the third place English city? I found that fascinating. And if you
ever find the time, try reading about the corruption in the police
force, and about the attempt at prohibition of alcohol in the late
18th century. Good stuff. I only have 725 pages left!!

I decided today that I want a bed shaped like a giant slice of lemon
merengue pie. It would be so soft and fluffy... Maybe I would sleep
better in a pie anyway, being in my natural state... Or something.

Did any of you see the Olympic trampoline stuff? Those guys can jump
sooo high and they kept doing these triple back axle turn jump flip
things. I just threw out a bunch of words and I don't know if they
did any of those, but I bet they could if you asked them.

Oh, happy Hawaii Day. Just, you know, for reference.

And Happy Deathday to Leon Trotsky, icepicked to death by Frank Jackson in 1940
And Happy Deathday also to Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, 1995. He was
one of those physicists whose name kind of stuck in my mind from my
astronomy class. He won the Nobel Prize in 1983

And Today in History:
Linda Ronstadt opens in "Pirates of Penzance" on Broadway, 1980
Next total solar eclipse visible from North America, 2017 (The future
is part of history right?)

Hope this has been as entertaining for you to read as it was for me to
write. Peace out.


Brian D. Harris

Thursday, August 19, 2004


Stop, post, tops, spot, pots. Arts, star, rats, tsar. Mother in law,
woman hitler. Go hang a salami, I'm a lasagna hog.

Happy Aviation Day. Tomorrow is National Radio Day. Have fun with
those as you will. I will celebrate Radio Day by, yes, listening to
the radio. That's too easy, but it's the best I can do.

The brain is a wonderful organ. It starts working the moment you get
up in the morning and does not stop until you get into the office.
Robert Frost (1874 - 1963)

Ok, so I worked late today and now I can leave early tomorrow and
still get my 40 hours. Rockin. Maybe I won't leave early. Then I
can get overtime. But I'd rather leave. I have things to do. Like
go to UTAH!!

And that's all for today. Short and probably not as good as you
hoped, but I have to go to bed. It's getting really late. And by
late I mean 8:30...


Wednesday, August 18, 2004

chicken cutlets

Some of you have seen this because my dad sent it out, but you get it again.

Beach Girl

A couple lived near the ocean and used to walk the beach a lot.
One summer they noticed a girl who was at the beach almost
every day.
She wasn't unusual, nor was the travel bag she carried, except
for one thing; she would approach people who were sitting on the beach,
glance around furtively, then speak to them.
Generally the people would respond negatively and she would
wander off, but occasionally someone would nod and there would
be a quick exchange of money and something she carried in her
The couple assumed that she was selling drugs and debated calling the cops,
but since they didn't know for sure, they just continued to watch her.
After a couple of weeks the wife said, "Honey, have you ever
noticed that she only goes up to people with boom boxes and
other electronic devices?"
He hadn't - and said so.
Then she said, "Tomorrow I want you to get a towel and our big
radio and go lie out on the beach. Then we can find out what she's really
Well, the plan went off without a hitch and the wife was almost
hopping up & down with anticipation when she saw the girl talk to
her husband and then leave. The man then walked up the beach and met his
wife at the road.
Well, Is she selling drugs?" she asked excitedly.
No, she's not," he said, enjoying this probably more than he should have.
Well, what is it then? What does she do?" his wife fairly shrieked.
The man grinned and said, "She's a battery salesperson."
"Batteries?" cried the wife.
"Yes ....." he replied, she sells C cells by the sea shore !"


Ok that's your joke for today. Happy Watermelon Day and also happy
Bad Poetry Day.

"Now, there are those who will tell you that bad poetry is actually
good, and although I wouldn't go quite that far, bad poetry does have
its place. The fact is, at slams and open mikes across the country,
actually at just about any poetry reading you go to, you're bound to
hear some doozies and you'll have to admit, bad poetry makes the good
stuff really shine."

KENNY'S DOING X-C!!!! Good job man.

And I just thought of a band: The Wallflowers. Yep, they certainly are a band.

liminal • \LIM-uh-nul\ • adjective
1 : of or relating to a sensory threshold
2 : barely perceptible
3 : of, relating to, or being an intermediate state, phase, or
condition : in-between, transitional

Example sentence:
In the background of the painting, a liminal figure stands in the
murky half-light.

"Liminal" descends from the Latin noun "limen," meaning "threshold."
It makes sense, then, that "liminal" applies to the idea of a sensory
threshold, the point at which a physiological effect begins to be
produced. Likewise, closely related "subliminal" means "below a
threshold"; it can describe something inadequate to produce a
sensation or something operating below a threshold of consciousness.
The "sensory threshold" sense of "liminal" has given rise to extended
uses. In addition to the "barely perceptible" sense, "liminal" now
sometimes means "transitional" or "intermediate" (as in "the liminal
zone between sleep and wakefulness").

Cockaigne \kah-KAYN\, noun:
An imaginary land of ease and luxury.

Happy Birthday to:
Meriwether Lewis, 1774
Tom Malchow, 1976

Happy Deathday:
Genghis Khan, 1227
James Beattie, 1803

Things of today in history:
Pierre Janssan discovers helium in solar spectrum during eclipse, 1868
Weather map televised for 1st time, 1926
Hungary adopts constitution, 1949
Beatles give their 1st public performance (Kaiserkeller in Hamburg), 1960
Mick Jagger accidentally shot while filming "Ned Kelly", 1969
Largest house (130 rooms) on Long Island sold for $22 million, 1988

It's time for everyone to get with the program. I have started a new
campaign, and I plan to collect some music from every band in
existence, past or present, and of course future. So everyone should
email me a big ol' fatty list of all your favorite bands and then I'll
get to work on collecting. I am currently looking for all those
trippy 90's pop rock songs from when we were all in elementary school
and junior high. All the songs you recognize and have lots of
memories of, i.e. "I get knocked down, but I get up again..." etc.

Yah, so that's gonna be about all for today, I'm pretty worn out. I'm
just doing all I can to keep these coming. I'll keep writing until
the day I die, I just decided. No sense letting all my thoughts go to

B Diggity

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

The hen

This is your daily dose of Brian. I hope it goes down nice and bitter
so that you have an excuse to eat a spoonful of sugar. Mmmmm.

The mousepad is grey. The mouse is gray. The keyboard is gray. The
monitor is black. It doesn't match.

Today is National Thriftshop Day!!!! Tomorrow is Bad Poetry Day (I
found some great bad poems last week when I was cleaning) and National
Watermelon Day. Good luck with that.

He hasn't an enemy in the world - but all his friends hate him.
Eddie Cantor (1892 - 1964)

Life is just a bowl of pits.
Rodney Dangerfield (1921 - )

The reason there is so little crime in Germany is that it's against the law.
Alex Levin

The mind of a bigot is like the pupil of the eye. The more light you
shine on it, the more it will contract.
Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. (1841 - 1935)

Draffsack: a sack of draff. or a sack of refuse. or a load of old tosh.

Ok I leave now. Croquet calls.

B. Harris

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Holy Guacamole, we've got chips!

I spelled "caffeinated" backward last night. Just for poops and
giggles. And I also learned two new words. "Schlock" means "inferior
literature", and it comes from Yiddish. "Schlep" also comes from
Yiddish, but I learned that word about 7 months ago. It means to
carry something while walking. It's a popular term in NYC, I hear.
The other word I learned last night is "callipigian", meaning "having
beautiful buttocks" Oh yah.

I had no wish to study or learn anything, and as for Latin, I abominated it.
Charles Tyng

The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new
discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' (I found it!) but 'That's funny ...'
Isaac Asimov

Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain.
Lily Tomlin

A quotation, like a pun, should come unsought, and then be welcomed
only for some propriety of felicity justifying the intrusion.
Robert Chapman

Puns shouldn't always be unsought though. Some of the funnest times
are when you're watching or participating in a pun war. Each person
makes up pun after pun on a selected topic. If you play with the
right folks, they can be highly entertaining. Mr. Muir is really good
at it and he'll kick anyone's trash.'s_Up_With_That_Doggie_in_the_Window.html
Yah, go here.

And that's all for today. Peace out all you razdexioks.


Friday, August 13, 2004


That's right. paraskevidekatriaphobia. The morbid fear of days like this.

Today is Blame Someone Else Day and Left Hander's Day. "Lefties have
rights!" is the official slogan for Left Handers. Sinistrophobia is
the fear of left handedness. Just in case you ever wondered.

presentiment \prih-ZEN-tuh-muhnt\, noun:
A sense that something will or is about to happen; a premonition.

nunated, a.
Of a form in a Semitic language, esp. Arabic: pronounced with a final
n-sound; having the addition of a final n. Cf. NUNATION

Happy Birthdays to:
William Caxton, 1422 (1st English printer)
Johann Christoph Denner, 1655 (clarinet inventor)
Annie Oakley, 1860
Alfred Hitchcock, 1899
Charlie Alfred Galbraith, 1920 (jazz tromboner)
Ann Armstrong Dailey, 1940 (founder of Children's Hospital International)

Happy Deathdays to:
Florence Nightingale, 1910
Mickey Mantle, 1995

Today in History:
King Henry V of England army lands on mouth of Seine River, 1415
(Henry V was a big jerkwad)
Nat Turner leads uprising of slaves in Virginia, 1831
British troops fire on Amritsar India demonstrators; killing 350, 1919
Japanese attack Shanghai, 1937
Ronald J Dossenbach sets world record for pedaling across Canada from
Vancouver, BC to Halifax, NS in 13 days, 15 hr, 4 min, 1988
US Court of Appeals rules congress must save all E-Mail, 1993

Yah, good times, good times...

Everyone should listen to Phish's song "Heavy Things". It's a good
one. And also, check out Finger 11's song "One Thing". It's ok too.
Those are my recommendations for today. Why are they called
recommendations? I hadn't commended them yet, I've only commended
them once. Next time I praise those songs, then they can be

I got an orange armband for donating blood and also a Roaring Springs
one day VIP pass, and also a chance to win free gasoline for a year,
just for giving a pint. It's rockin. And the Cheez-Its were good
too, although the orange juice they gave me was really odd tasting.
Next time, I'll have to get cranberry. And it was also a little
disturbing when, on the tv, was Donny Osmond hosting a lame gameshow
called Pyramid. I don't like that guy. He thinks he's better than
everyone, and he made lots of pitiful jokes. I actually felt bad for
the contestants. Also, some of the contestants were former
celebrities. This one lady from Happy Days who's like 55 years old,
and a couple of unknown actresses that have only done tv series
acting. One of my friend's brothers beat up Donny Osmond's brother.
I laughed when I heard it. The Osmonds made their kid go to my
friend's house and apolagize because he had been a jerk. That's why
he got beat up. He was a jerk. True story.

And I'm off. Have a good weekend.


Thursday, August 12, 2004

Re: Subject line pending

Actually, I lied. isn't cool. It was that I was thinking of. Sorry.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Subject line pending

Hello everyone! I found out this morning that today is Sand Day. And
I also found this website: Seriously
awesome! Also look at I want to be a
sculptor, but I don't think I have what it takes. I am going to take
up wood carving though, that has always appealed to me, but I haven't
found much time. Oy, and today is Presidential Joke Day andNational
Son and Daughter Day. If you want something from your parents, today
is your day. But make sure they know what day it is, or it won't
work. It probably won't work anyway.

Hmmm, what to say... what to say... I'm really all out of ideas for
tonight. I'm stumped. Well, goodbye?

Saturday, August 07, 2004

The Thing for Today

MWAHAHA! No song lyrics in the subject line! You all lose. And I'm
sorry I didn't get around to publishing much lately, I was out of the
state last weekend, and I was up in the mountains all week, but now I
am back in action. Here are some of the upcoming holidays: Today is
National Lighthouse Day. I don't know about yous, but I've only seen
pictures. Oh well. And tomorrow is Senior Citizens Day and (drum
roll please!) Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbor's Porch Day.

Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it
every six months.
Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900)

It is impossible to imagine Goethe or Beethoven being good at billiards or golf.
H. L. Mencken (1880 - 1956)
(It's true, I tried it.)

She got her looks from her father. He's a plastic surgeon.
Groucho Marx (1890 - 1977)

"Sometimes the mind, for reasons we don't necessarily understand, just
decides to go to the store for a quart of milk."

There are two tragedies in life. One is not to get your heart's
desire. The other is to get it.
George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)

Silly things do cease to be silly if they are done by sensible people
in an impudent way.
Jane Austen (1775 - 1817)

And here is your dose of personal touch. I think everyone should use
the letter F as many times as possible. It's my favorite letter, and
I don't really know why. I used to prefer R and for a while I liked L
a lot. Is it weird to have a favorite letter? A lot of people I know
prefer the letter that their name starts with, but I don't really like
B all that much. I gotta go now though. It's a short one.
