Saturday, September 25, 2004

No reason at all

It is not supposed to be a Homeric feat to get the copy/paste function
to work properly. It is a simple matter of Ctrl+C, but for some
reason, Gmail refused to recognize that feature.

And that ravioli was pretty good. Homemade sauce (con carne!) and
parmesan cheese. Mmmm. I actually ate dinner between these first two
paragraphs. I learned the Spanish word for 'paragraph' last week.
Actually one week ago today! I should have a little party. Well
anyway, it's 'parrafo' in case you care.

For your information, I won't be sending out any emails next week. I
hope this does not create an unbearable inconvenience for you. I will
also not be checking email, and I will not be logged on to messenger.
I will also not play any Tetris or iSketch or any other game. In
fact, my computer will be turned off, as will my TV be. If you would
like to talk to me, I will be home most of the time, just give me a
ring. If you don't have my number, you can look me up on that nifty
online Student Directory. Or even better, call Information, you might
have the anandic pleasure of talking to one of my good friends. I'm
probably not supposed to say who. They like to be secretive. Kinda
like those 100 Hour Board committee people. I asked a question once,
but I forgot to check back for the response.

HEY! I just had a great idea. I will need some help though. I am
unfortunately not in Provo. Toward the end of last year I thought it
would be fun to walk through the Wilk and step on every tile. I
thought of this too late and could not find a significant enough
length of time to try this out. I would really like to know how many
tiles there are in the Wilk. I would like a volunteer to ask that
question to the Hundred Hour Board. How many tiles are in the
Wilkinson Center? Then report back 100 hours later please.

Today is National Comic Book Day. I went to a comic book store about
two weeks ago. I didn't go in. I parked outside. I read the name
of the company in the phone book and decided to go there for a good
book find, but it turned out to be different than I expected. Perhaps
I should have gone in. I might have found a good vintage Spidey comic
worth half a million dollars, eh? If I had found one, I would have
bought it for Kelsie. She would appreciate it far more than I.

Thus ends Brian's email for the night of September 25, 2004.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

For the Elephant of Arrogance

A description on a dictionary: "A fully bilingual portable reference
for home or travel." Someday I will be that dictionary. Possessing
all knowledge and wisdom, traveling with you, homing with you.

Did you guys know that the Strait of Gibraltar is named after one of
the Arab generals who led the attack on Spain back in the 700s?
Gebel-al-Tarik. Kinda looks the same, I guess. It's been a while, I
guess changes are one of those natural things that happen. Does
anyone know if there are lots of Muslems in Spain now?

And does anyone know if the term "Methodist" is relating to a specific
method, or if it relates at all to the Constantinopolitan monk by the
name of Method? It would definitely make more sense if the Methodists
were like the Greek Orthodox folk, but I don't really know much about
either group. Did you know that the monk Method's brother was also a
monk, and that he invented the Cyrillic alphabet? It's basically just
modified Greek letters, but it was the first written language of the
various groups of Slavs, and it is still used by the Bulgarians,
Serbians and Russians, and I'm sure some others. It's a little hard
to imagine a group of people as late as 800 AD having no written
language, but I guess there are still people without literacy. Hmm.

Happy Checkers Day. I've never been a big fan of the game of
Checkers, but I'm sure it has merit. See the following site for a
brief, BRIEF history of Checkers.
One of my earliest memories comes from the school year of 1994-95. I
was in Mrs. Walker's class. This is the first class I ever recieved a
C in, but that is immaterial. This was also the first class I had
with Carl and Kevin. We wreaked havoc on the civilized world of
McMillan. We made our swings hit the other swingers, and we tracked
mud into the classroom and on several occasions, Mrs. Walker made us
take our shoes off. That was the birth of my love of bare feet. We
were also nerds, thus, we loved Star Wars. We invented a new form of
Checkers called Star Wars Checkers. The rules were simple, you each
placed your pieces on different colors, and you could move any of the
non-diagonal directions. So when you jump, you stay on your own
color, jumping horizontally or forward, etc. In retrospect, it was
pretty stupid and whoever went first inevitably won. But MAN what a
great game it was! That is one of my first memories of Carl and
Kevin. Wurd up guys. I think I probably still have some of Carl's
pogs from his party that year. We should hang out sometime.

I have made a grievous error. I realized this morning on my way to
work that yesterday, September 22nd, was Frodo and Bilbo's birthday.
How could I have forgotten? It is one of those dates that has forever
etched itself into my memory because of all the time I spent
converting the blasted Shire Reckoning into our modern measurements.
It is a date I have celebrated with many. Take last year for example,
Austin, Stephen and I hosted a little birthday party and invited Laura
and Stephanie, whom we had met the night before. Hah! Now I thought
of something else... I met Laura the night before because I had gone
on a date! Fancy that! But I don't even remember my date's name,
that was the only time I ever saw her. I got talked into going on a
big group Cops & Robbers date by DT and I dragged Austin along too.
So we were just kinda running around campus randomly when we ran into
another group going to the CC to play some games. This group included
the two aforementioned humans of the female gender. So we joined them
and played some Taboo or something similar. We learned that we all
had much in common, so it was pretty fun and funny. That was when we
decided that Laura and Stephanie would make a good addition to our
otherwise pathetic little birthday party. We met in Stover lobby and
played LotR Risk, courtesy of Randy Brown, and had some ice cream,
courtesy The Blaze. Good times, good times...

Frugivorous- Feeding on fruit, such as birds, insects, etc.

I am definitely not frugivorous. I don't much appreciate fruit like
most "normal" people do. I mostly only like grapefruits, raspberries,
pears (not canned), and tomatoes. I much prefer vegetables. Raw
only. None of this "let's steam everything" garbage. Just put
everything in a bowl, fresh, and call it good. I especially like
broccolli. Just so, you know, on my birthday you can send me some in
a package. Or something.

That's about all I can bring myself to write today. As you can tell,
it was more full of memory than usual. That makes for a very draining
email. And also, I'm hungry. It's chimichanga time.

Brian Harris

P.S. I made up a new smiley. I call it the Grecan Smiley, because,
well, just look at that nose! It could also be a Steward of Gondor
Family Line nose. Did you all notice the resemblance between Boromir
and Faramir? You could tow a ship into shore with those probosci!
Here it is... :~) Austin and Canada could also tell you who else it
resembles, but I'm not going to just blurt it out. That would be

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Holy Jumping Water Buffaloes!

You always thought soundtracks to movies were pretty cool right?
Well, what about just playing the movie with no picture? That's a fun
way to get all the sound effects and dialogue that they always cut out
of the soundtrack.

I did deodorant again. The hardest part about that is when you have
to pull the 6-packs out of the boxes. They pack them in pretty tight,
so I almost always end up cutting my fingers on the edges of the

So last Sunday was Talk Like a Pirate Day. My buddy Corey remembered
and told my dad. I was out of town at the time and told my cousin
Kai. I didn't have much opportunity to talk like a pirate though,
being in a car for much of the day. They should have two Talk Like a
Pirate Days each year, it's one of the best holidays ever. Sewiouswy.

I'm all out of ideas. Sorry everyone. Once again, I fail to conjure
a shred of creativity. This has got to be one of the most boring
things I have ever written. This tops that paper on historical
comparitive linguistics I wrote that night in April. This tops my
paper for English last October about trombone players. This tops them
all. This is: The Boring. Now the question is, do I continue to
write in hopes that I'll stumble on something remotely interesting?
Or do I stop while I'm... not ahead... less behind? Meh.

Ummm, look up That's one my sister showed me
last night. She finds lots of interesting sites with her Annals Of
Improbability newsletter. Speaking of newsletters, I came back from
my trip with 17 new messages waiting for me. Mostly they were word of
the day newsletters. One of my subscriptions has turned really lame
all of a sudden. They give me stupid words like "hence" and "impede"
and stuff. The other one gives me words that I don't already know.
It's a pretty good one. Look up A.W.A.D on google and you'll find my
newsletter, in case you're interested. It also comes with a quote at
the bottom, which is nice once in a while.

My dad wants to invent a new kind of bleach. Good luck dad.

I have three dimes and a quarter in my pocket. The quarter is one of
those new Texas ones. I really like the look of the Texas quarter.
It's a very simple design and the detail around the edge is very
classy and nice. I also like the Connecticut one, but that's not as
simple. It's rather ornate. It's a good one. Three dimes and a
quarter means 55 cents. That's enough to buy something that is worth
55 cents. Or something that is worth less, but priced at 55 cents.

Well, time to go to dinner and institute. Peaces.

Brian Z Harris IV, Esq.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

I learned about kilograms

I learned that a kilogram is pretty close to two pounds today. I used
Google's calculator feature. They have thought of everything!

The reason I looked it up is because I came across a large box today
that weighed 24.5 kg and it didn't give any reference to the standard
American measure. So I wrote it on my hand and looked it up when I
got home. It's 54.4... I also learned that I can lift a 72 pound box
over my head. Fancy that. It's one of those things you never try
just for the sake of trying. That's why I didn't know I could do it.

My cold is finally beginning to let up, but it might find its second
wind. Colds have a way of doing that. It started on a warm sunny
morning. I woke up on the floor with a sore throat. Then I went to
choir practice and sang for roughly two hours, then I spent all day in
the sun playing games and laughin and a runnin, hey hey... and I got a
little sunburned, but not too bad. It won't peel, which is good, but
maybe I'll catch cancer, which would be bad. So, I was sick all day
playing in the sun but I didn't notice too much until I got home. It
was one of those sudden realizations that I hadn't imbibed enough
water, and so I promptly ate a vitamin C tablet and crossed my
fingers. Figuratively. And it turns out that it wasn't a fluke
ailment after all. It was a real cold. So I sang for another two
hours the next day and blew my nose a lot. That's the story of "The
Brian's Cold of '04: Only The Second Sickness Of The Year."

All this talk of singing reminded my dad to tell me to tell you all
that my dad, brothers and myself do well singing together. It's one
of those cool things about genetics that allows family members to find
each others' pitches more exactly and allows overtones more readily.
It is so cool, you should all go sing with your families.

Also play Settlers of Catan. "And Cities and Knights if you're
Brian," says Julie.

Says also Julie, "Bread flour has a lot more protein than cake flour
and that's why cakes are so tender and they don't slice like bread and
why bread doesn't fall apart when you slice it like cake does! Today
I helped my dad make three beautiful peach pies, and I made two tiny
pies for Andy and Michael."

Says dad, "Brian, you have to tell them 'He's the real expert, I was
only learning at his feet.' "

Says also dad, "No, don't put that in. Who are you writing to?"

That was a fun bit of quoting. It was good to practice my speed
typing. I typed it all as they said it, it was a little hard because
they talk more than one letter per finger at a time. ?? That isn't
even coherent...

Today is National Creme Filled Doughnut Day!!!! Take your Krispy
Kreme's discount card and go get some awesome Raspberry filled
powdered doughnuts!!!! Those are my favorite kind of doughnut. I
also like any kind of glazed old fashioned. Mmmm!

What is for dinner? The world may never know. Or maybe I'll go ask.
So long folks.


Friday, September 10, 2004

Supplement: Lamer than the original

Ok, so I planned on writing more, but I only have about three
minutes... Here we go.

Apples are tasty. My brother has to mow the lawn. I got two mail
items today, one of which says that I am allowed to come back to BYU,
the other of which says I am allowed to leave the country. I got a
phone call today from the tailor saying that my pants are fixed. I
woke up to classical music and played racquetball at 6:30 with my dad
and my uncle. I got an email from Mallory demanding to know the
"news"... So I told her. I get to wake up early tomorrow for choir
practice. Woo! I also might play racquetball before choir. And I'm
for sure playing some mad park game action at DeMeyer promptly at 11.
Anybody got an Aerobie?

P.S. Party is still on.

There is a small white timer on the desk and the scanner is askew.
There is also a CD on the desk that really should be up in my room.
Naughty "Postal Service", running away from my case like that. For

And now I'm off to the Post Office. How's that for coincidence?


P.S. Some plants collect water, like between leaves, and it can stay
there for months. It's icky.

It's too hard to think of more subject lines...

Yesterday in my daily email, I intentionally put in a pun. I thought
it was a pretty good one, anyone know what it is? Michael already

A reminder about the party tomorrow: It's tomorrow. 11 AM, DeMeyer.
Bring food, bring frisbees, bring footballs, bring everyone you know.
Seriously, every last person you know. I will likely be supplying hot
dogs, so bring drinks and chips mostly, or cookies or ice cream or
anything else you want. If you don't bring it, there will be none.
And tell all your friends. Actually, I just got some... news... I
might not be able to go, but I might. I'll have to see. Go to the
party anyway. It will be just as fun without me. Mallory, I'll call
you or email you or drop by tonight to let you know about this...

This will have to be quick, I'm doing some work for my uncle today and
I have to go about five minutes ago. Today is Swap Ideas Day. Here's
my idea: Don't ever delete old homework off your computer, someday
you might need to plagiarize off yourself, and it helps to not have to
do all the research over again. Now I will expect an idea from
everyone. It's only fair, right?

And now I must go. I'll send a supplement to today's email later on,
this one just doesn't cut it for me. It's lame. It's bad pie with
weak sauce on top. Ick.


Thursday, September 09, 2004

You're beautiful, but not beneath your skin

The library didn't charge me when my book was overdue. How very kind
of them. The bike shop didn't charge me either because I'm not
willing to pay their outrageous prices... But that also means that I
didn't get my product.

Wooo! 40 days until Roper's first album. October 19 is the date to
remember! I'm so totally stoked, but also rather bummed that Five
Iron Frenzy has now been disbanded for over a year. I really liked
those guys. But I've listened to some Roper demos and they seem to be
pretty cool too. No hornzy funk, but they do rock pretty well. Reese
done good. He also sings for Brave Saint Saturn, which sounds more
like Roper than FIF You guys should also check out FM Static. Some
of you may know them already. They kinda remind me of Hawk Nelson or
Relient K or Thousand Foot Crutch. Actually, I think Thousand Foot
Crutch and FM Static share a couple of band members, I'd have to look
it up to be sure though.

I got an interesting email from AskOxford today, they've got a new-ish
book out with 20,000 fully indexed quotes. Good stuff. I still can't
wait until they get their 40 volume dictionary out. Too bad it's
going to be another 20 years...

Today is California's statehood anniversary. So, uh... celebrate it
with your Californian neighbors. I wonder how many Californians even
know that. I don't know when Idaho was admitted. Hmmm.

Recommendations for the day!

Food: Tangelos
Painting: anything besides Munch
Bands: Hmmm, let's go with The Hippos and The Aquabats today.
Song: "Desert Rose" by Sting. Just for kicks.
Blog link:
Quote: "It is a very sad thing that nowadays there is so little
useless information." -Oscar Wilde

That's all for today folks. And remember, "Well now I'm out of school
and I don't have a job. I just sit around all sweaty and lethargic."


Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Envision Management Reverse

librocubicularist - One who reads in bed

"All right," said the bookseller amiably. "Miss Chapman, you take the
book up with you and read it in bed if you want to. Are you a
librocubicularist?" Titania looked a little scandalized. "It's all
right, my dear," said Helen. "He only means are you fond of reading in
bed. I've been waiting to hear him work that word into the
conversation. He made it up, and he's immensely proud of it." -
Christopher Morley, The Haunted Bookshop

Today is International Literacy Day. Go Here:

Here is a link to Zell Miller's speech from the Republican National
Convention. It's worth a read, I enjoyed it.

Happy Birthday to:
Richard I, (The Lion-Hearted), 1157
Antonin Dvorak, 1841
Jonathon Taylor Thomas ,1981

I was listening to a band called Sigur Ros and I like them. They have
a song called Ny Batteri and the lyrics are pretty cool, if you can
get around the Icelandic-ness of it all. I found a site that
translated for me, so that made it much easier. But Icelandic isn't
really all that much different from any other Germanic language. I
bet if you read the lyrics in the Icelandic, you could pick out a good
5-10%. Ok, so it's not super easy, but you could do it. Just look at
things like "Batteri" Hmmm, it means "battery". Surprise! I also
like a Swedish band called Blindside, and they sing in English, which
makes me happy.

Here is a link to today's picture of the day:

Hope you like it. Crooooow, Tom Servo, and the temp named Mike. I
mentioned Manos The Hands of Fate the other day, and I was reminded
suddenly of these goofs. In Manos, the guy who played the memorable
and almost lovable Torgo is also the SFX man. Also, The Brain That
Wouldn't Die is a good one. The Closet Monster was played by the
Israeli world champion wrestler. Some of these movies remind me of
that movie that they showed a clip of on The Simpsons, "The Thing That
Ate Everyone". The basic plot is, "Did it eat Mark?" "It ate
everyone." "Did it eat Suzanne?" "It ate everyone." Etc.

I ate peach pie last night. And now it's time for me to go. I have
lawns to mow. Keep your comments coming, you guys have been slacking
big time lately. All but a few of you anyway. And remember that a
few good apples can improve the whole barrel. That thought was
brought from Tom Munnecke to Britt Blaser, then to Dan Gillmor, then
to me, then to you. Lata'


Tuesday, September 07, 2004

The Fifth Elephant

I'm chillin' here at home wishing someone would play Settlers of Catan
with me. Mi hermano Andy is fixing his bike and mi hermano Miguel is
playing with some water bottle rockets out in the front yard. There's
nothing on tv and I don't have any new emails to respond to. I
suppose I could write one... I'm not really in the mood to write
emails though. I'd really like to play some Settlers. I won this
morning, I built on a 4,6,8 and 10 all of sheep, and I had the sheep
2:1 port so I got lots of whatever I wanted that way. I also had the
longest road and largest army and two victory point development cards.
I won 12-6 by getting three points my last turn. Rockin.

If anyone knows Karl and/or Kameron's email addresses, please let me
know. Otherwise I will have to start calling people. And I know
someone out there knows how to get a hold of them.

I was thinking of having a big ultimate frisbee-a-thon next weekend,
if anyone is interested, feel free to let me know. We'll probably be
at either DeMeyer or Nottingham Park by my house.

Oh, I have a date for my non-farewell talk. It's gonna be on November
14, 11:00 at the Mitchell Building. On Mitchell. Not on Shamrock.
Swing on by.

Today is Fight Procrastination Day, Labor Day (duh, we're not working
or in school...) and Read A Book Day. Speaking of reading books, I
have a book by Will and Ariel Durant that is due today that I didn't
read. I hope the GCPL is open so that I can renew it. Otherwise I'll
have to re-check it out tomorrow after work, and that means that I'll
have to read something else during lunch, which means that I'll
probably get hooked on that other book and I won't want to finish "The
Age of Voltaire". Meh.

Bricka bricka, wut. Everyone should watch, or listen to songs from,
Space Ghost. Coast to coast. Look it up, Brak rocks, and Zorak is
pretty cool too. "One time I hired a monkey to take notes for me in
class..." etc.

That's all I have for today. Keep it real. And talk to me. Or something.


Saturday, September 04, 2004

Destroy the Formics

HAHAHA!! It's time for another email!

Happy Newspaper Carrier Day. I have lots of respect for the paper
boys and girls of America. I used to sub.

Tomorrow is Be Late For Something Day and Cheese Pizza Day. Be late
picking up dinner?

I really wish I could play bagpipes. They are so cool. One of my
neighbors used to practice outside sometimes, but I think he has given
that up, I haven't heard that sweet reedy tone for at least, oh I
don't know... 6 years? Oh and since our River Festival was cancelled,
we haven't had a River Festival Parade (duh) and there is always a
group that plays the pipes and drums. They're my heroes. I know a
girl named Shannon that played the bagpipes at a 4th of July breakfast
thing that my stake had a few years back. But I don't really know her
too well. I used to give her sister rides home sometimes though after
winter drumline.

Ahh, winter drumline. I almost forgot that I did that. I miss my
vibes. And my #5 bass. Alex still calls me #5 and it makes my day
every time. I ran into Alex getting Slurpees a while back. I still
have my sticks and practice pad in my file cabinet at home. I still
have the black shirt that I had to buy for that concert. I went
shopping with Megan one Saturday at Savers looking for black clothes.
I think she got something but I couldn't find any black hoodies and so
I decided to look somewhere else. That was fun. Megan and I spent
most of that day together. Oh, what fun! And the concert was pretty
cool. That was when I first decided I would like to try Quints but I
never got around to it. Maybe when I get back from Venezuela.

I watched The 'Burbs last night with my family and Jason Hudson and
Janae Frederick. It's a good one. I like the part where Mr. Rumsfeld
calls Hans "Pinnochio". Very cool!

I also played several games of Settlers of Catan. I got really close
to winning last night, I had nine points, but then Andy stole my
longest road and built a city. Meh. Then this morning I played one
on one with Michael and he absolutely crushed me. It's partly because
one of my first settlements was built on a 10 and the ocean. I
shouldn't have done that, but I thought the ore port would be more
useful than it turned out to be. And Michael had plenty of wheat, and
I didn't get any the whole game. I had to trade for everything and he
also had a 3:1 port while I had to trade 4 of everything. He crushed
me: 10-5 I think...

Suggestions for the day:
Song: "I Fell Asleep On My Arm" by The Aquabats
Movie: Manos, Hands of Fate
Miscellaneous: Key Lime Pie

I hope you all have a wonderful day. This has actually been one of
the best weeks in recent memory for me. Let's share the wealth.
Here, take my happiness.


Thursday, September 02, 2004

Fwd: FWD: Save José!

Hey look what I found!


Original Message:
From: *Mark Henderson*
To: , ,
, , ,
, ,
, ,

Date: January 27, 2004/ 06:01:56

>> > >
>> > >

Original Message:
From: "Dave Stewart"
To: "Mike" , "Brad Baxter" ,

Date: February 12, 2004/ 16:14:09

>> > >
>> > >THIS MESSAGE IS NOT JUNK! Please read it before deleting it!
>> > >
>> > >In 1998, a 6 year old boy, Jose, whose family had just moved to
America in >> > >hopes of freedom and prosperity, was taking a walk
with his mother and
>> > >baby sister.
>> > >As they turned the corner to return to their home, a drunk
driver sped through
>> > >the neighborhood and couldn't stop in time. The mother was
killed instantly, >> > >leaving her children orphaned. The boy
>> > >was caught partially under the car and pinned to a tree. He
lost the use of
>> > >his legs and was badly burned and disfigured. His life will be forever
>> > >changed.
>> > >
>> > >Be aware that drunk drivers are increasing in number and have killed
>> > >28,000,000,000 innocent American citizens last year alone,
according to the
>> > >National Convention for Highway Safety. This number includes
children like >> > >Jose, expectant mothers, beloved pets and possibly
people you now know.
>> > >
>> > >Many communities are getting involved in trying to stop this
crime, including
>> > >the Catholic Church. Pope John Paul II issued a statement 11 June, 2003
>> > >that if this petition recieves at least 10,000 signatures, he
will officially
>> > >declare that drunk drivers cannot go to heaven. Eternal fire
and brimstone is
>> > >the only way to repay the debt they owe to humanity. In
addition, the poor
>> > >little maimed orphan boy will recieve ten cents for each
signature at the end
>> > >act could save hundreds of lives and can help repair the life of
a broken little >> > >boy.
>> > >
>> > >Microsoft has also offered their assistance by offering one
dollar to everyone >> > >who runs a windows system whose name is found
on the recipient list, and
>> > >another five dollars for each friend you inform! Help your
friends earn a dollar
>> > >while earning some for yourself! PLEASE SEND THIS TO EVERYONE
>> > >
>> > >If you send it to 1-5 friends, you will have good luck
>> > >If you send it to 6-10 friends, you will find a good relationship
>> > >If you send it to 11-20 friends, your wildest dreams will come true!
>> > >
>> > >If you don't pass this along, your children and your childrens'
children will be
>> > >cursed for all eternity and you will live the rest of your life
in poverty and
>> > >sorrow.
>> > >
>> > >---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> > >
>> > >"Richard E. Ackermann, Brook Adams, Larry D Agenbroad, PhD,
Richard Ahern, Edward Ahrens, Mark W Albertsen, A Amr, PhD, Sal A
Anazalone, Arthur G Anderson, PhD, James Andrew, John Anthes, PhD,
Bruce W Apland, Ara Arabyan, PhD, William Archer, Walt Armer, Owen
Ashworth, Mike Assad, Adel Assaf, D Austin, P E, Canan Avela, Dirk Den
- Baars, PhD, Andrew T Bahill, PhD, David Bailey, J Baker, PhD, Robert
Balling, PhD, Roy J Barker, PhD, John E Barkley, PhD, R C Barnett,
Charles J Baroczy, Lawrence D Barr, Rosemary Barr, Mrs Carol A
Barrett, Edward J Barvick, MD, John W Bass, MD, Charles C Bates, PhD,
Charles C Bates, PhD, Steve Baumann, Frank Bazzanella, Clarence
Becker, PhD, RS Bennett, Charles M Bentzen, Arne Bergh, PhD, Kenneth
Bernstein, James W Berry, PhD, Peter Bianchetta, William S Bickel,
PhD, James R. Black, Bruce Bollermann, Kelsey Boltz, Michael Boxer,
MD, John D Brack, J Tj Braddock, John Bradley, MD, W Newman Bradshaw,
PhD, Harold Brennan, James Briscoe, D Broderick, PhD, Fred B Brost,
Apryl Brown, Richard E Brown, MD, S Kent Brown, MD, Stephen Brown, MD,
Stephen R Brown, Will Brown, Gerald R Brunskill, Thomas Bryant, Daivd
Burdeaux, Michel S Burns, Warren F Buxton, PhD, Ken Byrne, Roger
Cahill, DVM, J B Caird, Robert Campana, John S Campbell, Robert E
Campbell, Fernando Campos, MD, M Canham, Craig Cantoni, AE Carden,
PhD, Bryan J Carder Jr, MD, E N Carlier, Charles Carrell, Bruce W
Cavender, Robert T Chapman, Charles H Chase, Gerald Chicoine, Lincoln
Chin, PhD, James Civis, James G Clark, PhD, James W Clark, John W
Clayton, PhD, Fran Van Cleave, PhD, La Var Clegg, Neil C Clements, MD,
Jeffrey Clevenger, Elmer Lendell Cockrum, PhD, Theodore Cogut, Donald
Coleman, Joel Colley, MD, Thomas Comi, PhD, Gary Conley, Paul Consroe,
PhD, George W Cook, Glenn C Cook, MD, Shirl E Cook, Jane Cooper, Jeff
Cooper, Russell Corn, Don Corona, Brian Cox, Anne E Cress, PhD,
Richard E Cribbs, Donald E Crowell, Gabriel T Csanady, PhD, David C
Cunningham, Joseph Cusack, William Daffron, Charles H Daggs, Clark J.
Daggs, James Dancho, MD, Jerry Danni, James Deatherage, William
Devereux, Jerome P Dorlac, Harold J Downey, Jean Draper, William M
Dresher, PhD, Joseph Dufresne, Marie Dugan, Raymond J Dugandzic,
Jonathan Duhamel, James A Durham, John Eastlick, Robert J Eggert Sr,
Philip A Emery, T Enloe, Lawson Entwistle, A Gordon Everett, PhD, Paul
C Fairchild, Steve Fanto, MD, Robert H Fariss, PhD, Robert P Farrell,
John Fenger, MD, Richmond Fenn, James Fink, PhD, William Gary Fisher,
Leon W Florschuetz, PhD, Ron Francken, Arthur A Frost, PhD, Robert
Furman, MD, Floyd Fusselman, Clyde H Garman, P R Garver, MD, Roy L
Gealer, PhD, Barbara Gephart, R. Gervais, MD, Robt P Gervais, MD,
Giclas, PhD, Donald Gill, Paul Gilmour, PhD, Stephen Glacy, MD, Julie
Glanan, Robert L Glick, PhD, Randy Golding, PhD, Pierce Goodman, PhD,
Edward J Goovier, Jr, Wayne D Gould, Alphonse P Granatek, Harold
Greenfield, PhD, William M Greenslade, James Greenwood, George A
Gries, PhD, Ray Griswold, Joseph F Gross, PhD, C. J. Gudim, Charles W
Gullikson, PhD, Earl S Gurley, Richard E Guth, David B Hackman, PhD,
Anton F Haffer, Ronald J Hager, Jr, William Hahman, Francis A Hale,
Richard C Hall, L Ardis Hamer, Donald F Hammer, Jeff Hammond, Raymond
E Hammond, Robert E Hannay, Edward E Hanley, III, Joann B Hansen, PhD,
Joann B Hansen, PhD, Ellen Harris, PhD, Hermen Hartjens, L.
Hatzilambrou, PhD, John W Hawley, John Heermans, Walter Heinrichs,
Albert Heitzmann, Robert Hendricks, Edward P Herman, MD, Paul Hermann,
Tom Hessier, Robin Hickson, Douglas Hilchie, PhD, Jeffrey H Hill, MD,
Robert Hill, Daniel L Hirsch, J Brent Hiskey, PhD, Alfred Joseph
Hoehn, PhD, Linda Hoge, R Norman Holme, G E Holmes, Michael E
Holtferich, Ashley House, Wm B Hubbard, PhD, Richard O Huch, Robert P
Hughes, Robert Humphrey, Kenneth Hunt, Peter P Hydrean, PhD, Sherwood
B Idso, PhD, G W Irvin, Dan Isbell, Rosemary Isbell, Theodore Izzo, K
A Jackson, PhD, Douglas E. James, Thomas Jancic, Kevin L Jardine, John
Jarvis, MD, Robert Jensen, Ralph Jewett, David C Johnson, MD, Brian

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Mutts is the lamest comic strip EVER.

I got some good news from President Wycherly, I'm actually not leaving
for my sojourn on November 24, I'm now leaving on the 17th, my
parents' anniversary. That makes me one week happier than I was

I saw some really cool pictures today of the floods in Virginia.
There was one with a car on top of another car with a beam on top of
it. Probably that one is in all the papers everywhere, it's probably
Syndicated Press or something like that.

I also saw a bag full of pennies. And I skipped work and played
racquetball with my dad, and I mowed the lawn and ate a decent
breakfast and listened to some Guster and also some Hoobastank, and
wrote a couple of emails. And a whole lot more.

So, I heard about a really awful prank website (
the other day on the radio, but when I looked for it, it wasn't there.
Jerks. Maybe I'll make one.

My library book is due in 6 days. I am not finished with it. I am
only about a quarter of the way through. The question now is, do I
renew it three times and read at the same pace, or renew it once and
read more frequently, or do I try and read 650 pages by the end of the
week? It's a pickle. I think I'll renew it once and then turn it in
regardless. Is that bad? It seems maybe ungrateful. I'm not sure if
that's the right word, but it would be disrespectful to the authors.
I really do appreciate what they've done, it is one of the best books
I've read all summer, but I just don't have time for it outside of
work, and I only get an hour a day while at work. I can get about 36
pages read in a day, and with over 800 pages... I just can't do it.

Students in Harrison have to walk across the bridge every day when
they go to school. The bridge can't support the weight of the bus, so
the kids have to get out and the bus comes across after them. Isn't
that pathetic? I think I'll spend another two paragraphs on bridges.

Cats aren't allowed on the Golden Gate bridge because they purr at the
natural frequency of the iron used in the supports. The sound waves
apparently cause major problems and if too many cats are on the bridge
at once, the whole thing will collapse.

Also, in Colorado, I forgot where the particular bridge is, but they
spent over a year building this thing, and then the wind came up at
just the right speed, and once again, waves caused big problems and it
came tumbling down and they had to start over. Royal mess.

And now, I'm afraid I must go. I have wasted enough time today, and
the FBI are waiting for me...
